The Tree of Life in Feelings

Every time I read the scriptures, I get something different from it because of where I am in my life. This happens a lot to us when we study the scriptures. I had an interesting study of Lehi's vision of the Tree of Life. We all know the different elements of the dream but I looked at the dream in a unique way focusing on the feelings that come from being in each place, and it was fascinating, so I wanted to share. This is what I came up with: Place = Feeling * In a dark and dreary waste = lost * Large and spacious field = small * Tree of life = exceeding great joy * Searching for family = yearning * Wanting them to partake = hopeful * River of filthy water = engulfed * Standing by and not moving = stagnant/unsure * Rod of iron & strait and narrow path = determined * Mist of darkness = confused * Casting eyes about after partaking of fruit = ashamed * Great & spacious building = prideful * Fell down and partook of the fruit = relieved This is interesting because we s...