Black Lives take on the movement.

Here is my take...

Black lives matter! For sure. I love my black friends. They are wonderful people and they matter to me so much!!

It is not in my nature to be part of a protest and so I have refrained from joining a group in the street, mostly because of the feeling of violence and hate that can be in those settings. The feeling of division and fight is not something that I am comfortable being around.

So I share on my blog instead.

You know what I know?

I know that Jesus Christ loved and welcomed all people. He walked through Samaria. He blessed the Gentile woman who begged for His help. He dined with those who were haughty and humble. He saw each one as worthy of His love.

I am trying to be like Jesus Christ. I know that I am a white woman living in a mostly white community. I know that I may have prejudices, and I'm trying to discover where I may need to change. I sincerely want to love as Jesus does.

I see a need for change in our world. I listened to two conference talks in the last two days from the April 2020 general conference, in which both mentions racism as a problem. I didn't catch that the first time I heard those talks, but I'm hearing it today.

I'm grateful for the clarity and understanding that will help this world change. I do hope and pray that from this experience we are more unified, more loving, more forgiving and more accepting of everyone.


  1. Thank ou for your thoughts. I agree 100%. I too refrain from the marches because of the sense of division it seems to make within me. I try to not be racist, but the word itself seems to lend itself to the problem. Let us stop seeing race and instead see people. I do not identify myself as a "white" person nor do isay my "white" friends so in return I think we should stop referring to others whose skin tone is different from ours by that shade or color. We are children of our Heavenly Father who created us all to be unique and special. I love all my friends as I know you do. You are one fo the most Christlike people I know and we would all do well to learn from you. God said to Love thy Neighbor......He didn't mention skin color so why should we.


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