That’s the Last Straw!

Nothing is going right today, and I just can’t handle another thing!

And then…another thing happens. OH SNAP!

What do I feel justified to DO when I get to this point? And what does it do to ME when I let it all out and react?

When I get to that point, it actually feels good in the moment to allow myself to react. It releases my pent up negative emotions. And to me, it feels good (for a second). So I let out my yucky emotion.

But what is the ripple effect of this? Who do I affect? It’s usually not what I want to have happen. I don’t want to act this way. I don’t want to feel out of control. I don’t want to erupt with emotions and spew my angry volcano ash all over the place. So why does this happen? And how can I stop this?

Here’s another option when nothing seems to be going our way. 

Try to remind yourself, “It’s okay; nothing has really gone wrong here.”

“Some days just have more difficulties.  And it’s all okay.”

These emotions are just part of being human. We all have them.

And we can notice the feelings and we don’t have to react to them.

So instead…here’s a trick to stay in charge and ahead of our emotional outbursts.

Allow the feeling.   Name it.   Sit with it like an old friend for a while.   Feelings are not in control of us if we don’t want them to be.

After doing this, the urge to react subsides. We’ve given it the attention in our minds that it wanted, and that’s enough.

It is so empowering to realize that our emotions are not in charge! Try it yourself the next time you feel the desire to erupt.

If you’d like to feel more in control, book a free mini-session with me and I would love to help. Check it out here:


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