3 Steps to Stop Being Annoyed

Our brain memorizes emotions.

It likes to follow patterns of habit in thinking so much that it can actually take over our conscious thinking and plant ideas in our minds that reinforce those habitual emotions.

For example, one young woman I was coaching kept telling me different things that had made her feel annoyed. Being annoyed was her memorized emotion. Her brain was following the habit and finding thoughts that would reinforce the emotion of being annoyed.

Some of us are worried, anxious or overwhelmed... frustrated, impatient or judgmental. Some of us have these and we don't even realize they are memorized emotions.

So how can we overcome our memorized emotions?

Step 1: Recognize your memorized emotion. Realize that it has been a pattern of habit for your brain that you don't want to continue.

Step 2: Resolve to put on a completely new set of intentional emotions. This takes some time, but I really want you to envision yourself with the new set of emotions. See a future you who has emotions such as peace, gratitude and love. See that person so clearly that you understand exactly how it feels to be that version of yourself.

Step 3: Practice being that person. As if you're an actor in a play, be the person you envision with the new emotions. Fix your mind on that version of yourself. As much as you are able, go through your day as the person you have envisioned.

As we do these steps, we are able to break up the old pathways that gave us our memorized emotions. We are able to begin forming new neuropathways that reinforce the new emotions we want to have.

Our brain is the most incredible creation! It is a tool created for our use and benefit.

If you're intrigued by the possibility, but aren't sure you can do these steps on your own. I would love to work with you! I can help with one session.

Schedule a free session today by visiting my facebook page. https://www.facebook.com/LornaOlsonCoaching


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