4 Steps to Kicking a Bad Habit

So getting over that habit can work the opposite way, by simply doing it less and less until you don't do it anymore.
Trying to break a habit is uncomfortable because you are used to doing it. You've memorized the habit as part of your life and sometimes habits can be more difficult to break because you get a dopamine hit from it as well.
So here are four steps to help kick any habit.
1. EXPECT to be uncomfortable. When it feels necessary to act on the habit, allow the urge by noticing the desire, naming it for what it is (Just a Desire), and don't act on it. Let yourself be uncomfortable about it. Nothing has gone wrong when you're uncomfortable. It's just a feeling.
2. FEEL powerful against it. Some habits feel strong. So in a situation where the habit feels very strong, you need to match that strength with just as much inner power against it. I've heard it compared to preparing for a battle. When warriors prepare for hand-to-hand combat, they're pretty worked up. That can be you against a habit you want to break.
3. WRITE down as many reasons why you want to quit as you can think of. Make sure they are reasons you like. Post it somewhere you can see it often. Read them and stay resolved to remember those reasons when you feel an urge.
3. KEEP going. If you happen to give in to the desire, that's not a reason to throw in the towel. It's a time to have compassion for yourself. Be self-loving, not self-loathing. Love yourself anyway and realize that you are in the process of quitting the habit. It's always a process. As you continue trying you'll get better and better at allowing the urge without succumbing to it. To be angry with yourself will make you want to give up.
Habits are formed in the mind. And your mind is not in control of you.
If you'd like to have help quitting a bad habit, I've got more tools for you. Check out my Facebook page and book a free mini-session with me. https://www.facebook.com/LornaOlsonCoaching
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