He LEFT Me on "Read" - Texting Expectations

He/She left me on "read". This is something that I have heard so many times from young adults and teens.

What do we make it mean when someone leaves us on "Read"? 

How many different interpretations are there??

Do we gauge the strength of a relationship on how quickly someone responds to our texts?

Is that the best way to build a relationship?

These are great questions to ask ourselves to get to the bottom of our own texting beliefs and woes.

Like it or not, texting is the a major way of communicating and it does serve a purpose.

But there are so many ways to misinterpret responses, and unknowingly hurt other people's feelings if we aren't able to see or respond to a text quickly.

So what can you do to lessen your expectations when it comes to texts? 

Are you unnecessarily attached to your phone? If so, why?

Here are a few things to remember about our phones and texting.

1. A phone is a communication device. 

2. It is not my master and I it's slave.

3. It is healthy to take breaks from my phone especially during work, meals, homework and friend time. Leave your phone behind while you enjoy something else.

4. I can connect with people in many more ways than through texting.

5. If I didn't have texting, how could I stay connected with friends and family?

If you'd like help figuring out your phone and how to keep it in balance and perspective, check out my Facebook page and book a free session with me. We can go over these questions together and find your best solution. https://www.facebook.com/LornaOlsonCoaching 


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