How to Manage LIFE Transitions

Transitions in life can bring up lots of different feelings. 

Sometimes we feel very excited and anticipate great events coming up.

Sometimes we feel worried, anxious and overwhelmed with an upcoming transition time.

If you're excited, your thoughts are bringing you to that awesome place.

If you have negative feelings about a transition, it is also your thoughts taking you there.

So what can you do to move through a transition with results that you are happy with?

1. Many of us think that there is a RIGHT way to do things during our transitions. This puts a lot of pressure on us when we make a choice. That kind of pressure can lead to long periods of indecision because we don't want to make the WRONG choice. 

Transitions are not to be feared as right or wrong, but just understood for what it is...a transition. 

You are still you, and you have the biggest influence on that transition and how it will ultimately go.

2. Overwhelm is not useful. If you find yourself in overwhelm, write down all the things that feel so overwhelming to you. 

Then looking at the things you wrote down, think to yourself, "I am capable of figuring this out". 

This will bring the confidence that you need to continue with a plan.

Then plan out the strategies to do all the things that are on your list. Figure out each step, and if each step still seems to be overwhelming, break them down further to smaller steps until it is manageable and something that you will be able to do.

3. Give yourself a time frame to do the steps in. Schedule it on your calendar and plan to get things done in a timely manner. Watch for overwhelm or confusion to creep in. And stay in the thoughts of being capable of figuring it out.

4. Roll with unforeseen changes. Sometimes something comes up that we didn't expect during transitions. At these times, realize that nothing has gone wrong. Adjustments can be made easier from a mindset of "nothing has gone wrong" than from freaking out because you didn't anticipate something. 

Life is filled with transitions and we can learn how to think positively about each transition.

If you are having a hard time dealing with an upcoming transition, let me help. Book a first free session from my facebook page.


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