5 ways to BEAT the "Natural Man" in you!

The natural man is part of our humanity. It comes with us everywhere we go.

But...the scriptures tell us that the natural man is an enemy to God...

so if it's part of us, then what can we do?

Understand the desires of the natural man in us.

* It wants instant gratification.
* It wants easy.
* It forms habits for us based on seeking pleasure.
* It memorizes emotions and offers the same ones over and over.

If you see this in your life, guess what... you're human!

I've had clients beat themselves up over their human tendencies, but I taught them tools to overcome this. Part of it is remembering that...

Before you were human, you were spirit, and that spirit is also part of you!

**Your spirit seeks joy over pleasure.
**Your spirit seeks its eternal heritage.
**Your spirit thrives in growth.
**Your spirit is drawn to the truth.
**Your spirit has infinite capacity to become!

In this dynamic is the ultimate human struggle!

So here's how to beat the natural man...

1. Don't feel shame for having human tendencies. 
Be curious and forgiving. Laugh at it a little, and gain some leverage.

2. Believe in your spirit's ability to take charge of the natural man. 
You've been spirit way longer than you've been human.

3. Realize that doing hard things help our spirits thrive and grow.
It brings confidence and joy to work at something.

4. Plan on your human side not wanting to do anything hard. 
When you expect it, then it is easier to dismiss it. Let it come along for the ride, but don't let it drive!

5. Notice the negative feelings you've memorized and question thoughts that bring up this feeling. Once it is on your emotional radar, you've got the upper hand.

Try seeing yourself as a dual being and let your spirit take charge. When you do this, your spirit can create amazing things in life, and the natural man only comes along for the ride. 

If you want help beating the natural man in yourself, book a free session at https://www.facebook.com/LornaOlsonCoaching. I'd love to coach you. 


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