How to make WORK enjoyable!

My hubby is a farmer and in the summer, he works so hard! 

There's always so much to do.

I often go and help him. 

I have learned the benefits of hard work.

It truly is a blessing to see work as a positive thing, like an old friend.

You get so much from working hard at something.

Some of the benefits of working hard are:

First of all, something is getting done.

Your body and mind get exercised and improves your mood.

Then there's the pride at the work you've done.

Finally, it really boosts your inner confidence, drive and strength.

This is all fine and dandy for those that are motivated to do work, but so many conveniences in the world today makes working almost obsolete.

Some people even try very hard to avoid working.

So how can you get motivated to work on something?

That's where coaching can really help. When you think about working, what thoughts come up? Possibly, ones like:

"It's too hard for me" or "That's not very fun" or "I don't know how to do that" or "I don't want to"

When you think about work in this way, of course your motivation will be zapped! Look at how you are thinking!! None of us want to do something that we think about in this way.

So, that's where opposite thoughts really benefit you and get you going. Some may be:

"I like the outcome of doing this work!" or "It will be fun to figure this out." or "How can I get this job done and have fun too?" or "How might doing this benefit me?"

All these thoughts bring up the possibility of enjoying the work. And I suggest that most work can be enjoyed!

Give your mind a new way of viewing the work that you want to get done and see if it becomes more enjoyable for you! Get creative and post in the comments how you've made your work more enjoyable.

I would love to guide you through finding some great thoughts about work you'd like to get done. Book a free, no strings attached session today. It's really amazing how much coaching can help! Book at See you on the call!


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