The Best WAY to Have the Best DAY

Create your own personalized mantra.

This may seem a little woo-woo...but hear me out.

A mantra is an intentional thought that bring peace and purpose with elevated emotion.

Since all we are is a bunch of thoughts, why not be intentional about them?

The thoughts we attach ourselves to and believe are the ones that bring our results.

For example, if we are dreading an upcoming test and we think some version of 
"today is ruined because I have a test I don't want to take", it will manifest itself in the kind of day you actually have.

You've scripted it that way with your thought.

So for today, script some thoughts that you want to think.

Something really powerful and exciting that brings you an elevated emotion to you when you think it.

Write it down. Or better yet, make it your phone's wallpaper so you can see it every time you look at your phone.

It's pretty awesome to create a great life with your mind.

So go do that for yourself today! 


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