If You Had a Superpower...wait!...You DO!

My kids love to ask me the questions, "Mom, if you could have one super power, what would it be?"
My answer has varied over the years, but today I want to explain what super power we all have.

We have the power to COMPLETELY and TOTALLY BE someone we want to be.

Think of Paul in the Bible. He used to be Saul, the guy who helped murder Christians. Then he became Paul, the apostle who unashamedly preached the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our super power is the ability to change like that and be someone totally different!

So how do we make such a dramatic change?

Here's a few steps. 

1. You need to have a very compelling reason to make the change. 

In Paul's case, he saw Jesus Christ on the road to Damascus and that manifestation and conversation with Deity changed him forever. I think that would change me too! What is one thing you want to change from this day forward...forever! and Why? Is the reason compelling enough to keep your resolve? When the 'old you' tries to come back, will it shrink against your compelling reason? THAT'S what you need.

2. What kinds of things does the new you think regularly? 

Write those down. READ them aloud to yourself. Record yourself saying those thoughts and imagine how you feel as you think them.

3. Create an elevated feeling of joy, happiness or peace as you think the new thoughts.

The key to solidifying a new you is to bring up this elevated feeling. That releases chemicals in your body that reinforces the new thoughts. It literally re-maps your brain and allows you to believe and be your new you a little at a time. So remember the importance of this step!

4. Faithfully do this.

If you are faithful about these steps, you will become the new you! It's inevitable. Paul's transformation happened quickly because he probably had it on his mind continuously. If it was on our mind continuously too, it would also become a quick change. So bring up your new you thoughts as often as you can, make them a habit for you.

This is our super power as a human species. We can become someone we want to be just by changing the way we think.


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