3 Infallible Ways to Up-level Your Gratitude and Happiness Now!


And the turkey dinner isn't even the reason why. It's because when I think of all the things I'm grateful for, I just feel so much happier! So...I want to share some thoughts with you.

Here are 3 tips to feel more gratitude and up-level your happiness

1. Want what you already have. 

When you are asked "What do you want?" most of the time the answers will be things that you don't have already. 

Sometimes we take for granted the things in life that we already have. 

So make a long list of things that you already have that you still want to have and notice the blessings that you already enjoy. 

2. Notice one way each day that you feel like Heavenly Father helped you. 

There is evidence all around us of how Heavenly Father is in the details. But so many of us don't take the time to even notice. 

So, at the end of each day, ponder on the events of the day and discover at least one experience that may have been divinely directed. Write it down. Then give thanks in prayer for the things you notice. 

As you continue to do this, you will see it more and more often in your life. You will have a greater understanding of how Heavenly Father interacts with you personally and you'll find greater happiness in making that connection with Him.

3. Find creative ways to serve others. 

I know everyone is busy and you may think you don't have time for this one, but I promise you do. It doesn't have to take a lot of time but it does take some thinking about.

As you think of something to do for someone else, your mind will focus on that and immediately your troubles diminish. When you do it with pure intentions of just being able to serve without any recognition, the immediate reward is a greater sense of happiness. Karma is when you do good to others, good comes back to you. And the good that comes back to you immediately, is the way you feel! Try this out and notice how it works EVERY TIME!


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